Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Meet Billy

We sat down for an interview with SPVC's foster cat, Billy.

Name: Billy

Age:  Unknown.  Billy was brought to SPVC by a good Samaritan for treatment for an injured toe. We have treated his injury, neutered, and vaccinated him.

Health Info:  Billy is FIV positive.  He cannot live outside and is looking for a home without other cats or with other cats that are also FIV positive. 
Best Feature:  Billy is super sweet and has beautiful green eyes.

Favorite food:  Any wet food but he likes dry food too.  Really he just likes to eat.

Favorite past time:  Sleeping

Arch Enemy:  Dogs

Favorite color: Green

Favorite thing: His napping chair

Least favorite things:  Living outside

Hope you enjoyed getting to know Billy.  Please feel free to stop by and visit with him anytime!